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Grains of paradise [Aframomum melegueta(Rosc.)K. Schum
Product Story :African cardamom/Moroccan cardamom is a species of the ginger family(Zingiberaceae), native to West Africa, and is an important cash crop insouthern Ethiopia, Basketo special weareda.
Commonly known as cardamom pepper, alligator pepper, guinea bean or guineapepper, this spice has a spicy, peppery flavor.Peppercorns are a commoningredient in West and North African cuisines and were brought to Europeoy caravans across the Sahara Desert.
In the 14th and 15th centuries, pepper became a fashionable alternative toblack pepper in Europe, especially in northern France.
Main chemical components
6 gingerol,8-gingerol, methyl-6-gingero6-shogaol,6-gingerone, 6-gingerdione, etc.,the polyphenol content is about 0.2%, andthe flavonoid content is about 0.06%; the is the highest content of 6-gingerol, 6-gingerene and 6-gingerone in the volatile oil.
Aframomum Melegueta (Grains of Paradise);
Efficacy and Uses
In West Africa, pepper is used to treat coughs, bronchitis, rheumatism, digestive disorders, and as an aphrodisiac and antiparasitic.
The main effects include:
● Weight loss (promote fat burning, reduce visceral fat; human clinical)
● Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
● Enhance Sex
● Anti-aging (anti-wrinkle, topical)
● Regulate emotions (menopausal syndrome; human clinical (compound))
● Anti-tumor
● Anti-hypertension
Efficacy and Uses
● Weight loss (promote fat burning, reduce visceral fat)
2 Human clinical trials;
Conclusion: Promotes brown fat metabolism in the resting state (lying down to lose weight), reduces
visceral fat and abdominal fat accumulation (reduces belly fat).
Clinical study 1:
《 Prolonged Treatment with Grains of Paradise (Aframomum melegueta) Extract Recruits Adaptive Thermogenesis and Reduces Body Fat in Humans
with Low Brown Fat Activity 》
Number of participants: 9 (adult males);
Dose: 40mg of Aframomum melegueta extract , intervention for 5 weeks;
Conclusion: Activate brown adipose tissue (BAT) to increase fat consumption and reduce visceral fat.
(Features: lying down to lose weight, activate brown fat burning in low temperature environment, and reduce visceral fat).
(C) Brown fat (BAT)-dependent thermogenic capacity (CIT) before and
after treatment with Aframomum melegueta extract or placebo. N=9.
Values are mean values; p < 0.05, * p < 0.01; FFM, minus body fat
Efficacy and Uses
● Weight loss (promote fat burning, reduce visceral fat)
Clinical study 2:
《Daily Ingestion of Grains of Paradise (Aframomum melegueta) Extract Increases Whole-Body Energy
Expenditure and Decreases Visceral Fat in Humans》
Number of participants: 19 (non-obese women);
Dose: 30mg of Aframomum melegueta extract , intervention for 4 weeks;
Conclusion: Aframomum melegueta extract can reduce abdominal fat and visceral fat accumulation.
Features: It can reduce belly fat without affecting subcutaneous fat in other parts of the body.
Figure 1 Comparison of whole body energy expenditure
(EE) before and after daily intake of Aframomum melegueta
extract or placebo for 4 weeks
Whole body energy expenditure (EE) under resting conditions was
measured before (white bars) and after 4 weeks (black bars) of
daily intake of 30 mg of Aframomum melegueta extract or placebo. *
p < 0.05 (compared with itself). The mean and its standard error
are indicated by vertical bars.
● Regulate emotions (menopausal syndrome)
Study type: randomized double-blind human clinical trial;
Study subjects: 57 women (45-65 years old) with menopausal syndrome-related problems;
Intervention samples and time: soy isoflavone extract (100 mg), Aframomum melegueta extract(50 mg) and
pomegranate peel extract (100 mg); intervention for 8 weeks.
Study conclusion: Overall quality of life improved (hot flashes, anxiety, depression)
The percentage (%) of change in the overall quality of life score (overall) and menopausal and health
related (hot flashes, health, and aging) are presented as median ± range.
● Enhance Sex
《In/ex copula ejaculatory activities of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Aframomum
melegueta (Zingiberaceae) in sexually experienced male rat》
《Effects of Aframomum melegueta and Piper guineense on sexual behaviour of male rats》
《Effect of the ethanolic extract from Fagara tessmannii on testicular function, sex
reproductive organs and hormone level in adult male rats》
Conclusion: Aframomum melegueta extract has the effect of increasing sexual behavior and
performance, testosterone level and reproductive capacity in male rats.
● Hypoglycemic (inhibit α-glucosidase and α-amylase activity)
《Inhibition of key enzymes linked to type 2 diabetes by compounds isolated from Aframomum melegueta fruit》
《Determination of Antioxidant and α–Amylase Inhibition Properties of Alligator Pepper (Aframomum Melegueta): A Potential
Therapeutic Against Diabetes Mellitus》
The chemical components in the extract of Capsicum annuum: 6-gingerol, oleanolic acid, laurel, root crown hormone,
galactolactone, etc. have inhibitory activity on α-glucosidase and α-amylase, and play a role in lowering blood sugar.