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Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract

Proname:Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Extract Powder Anthocyanin

State: Powder 

Chracter: Purple Red 

Certification: ISO22000, HALAL 

Specification: Anthocyanins NLT 1.5% 

Assay Method: HPLC 

Botanical Source: Hibiseus sabdariffa 

Botanical Part Used: Flower

Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract
Product Code N/A Specification Anthocyanins NLT 1.5%
Botanical Source Hibiseus sabdariffa Part Used Flower
Extract Solvent Ethanol / Water Assay Method HPLC
Character Purple Red Certification ISO22000, HALAL
HS Code 1302199099 Shelf Life 2 Years

Introduction of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract

Rose hips, alias is also called Lobelia, red golden plum, red plum fruit, Lobelia, and Lodgepole. The smell is slightly fragrant and tastes sour. The calyx and bracteoles of this species are fleshy and sour, and are often used to make jam; the stem bark fiber is used for rolling ropes.  The flowers are rich in vitamin C, which not only has good nutritional value, but also has the effect of diuretic, promoting bile secretion, lowering blood viscosity, lowering blood pressure and stimulating intestinal wall peristalsis, so it can also be used for medicinal purposes. It is also an excellent ornamental plant for landscaping and a very useful economic plant.

Rose hips are slightly fragrant and sour in taste, with vitamin C, elderberry triglycoside, citric acid and other nutritional components, which are beneficial for regulating and balancing blood lipids, improving calcium absorption, promoting children's development, and promoting digestion. It has cooling and detoxifying effects, lowering blood pressure and so on. It is not toxic. Rose Hip contains a large amount of organic acids.

Function of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract

The hibiscus acid in rose hips is believed to be effective in treating heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis, and can lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

Researchers have recently found that regular consumption of rose hips tea helps lower the total cholesterol value and triglyceride value in human blood to achieve the effect of preventing cardiovascular disease. Drinking rose hips tea can also play a weight loss effect, and in the summer drink some rose hips also have the function of heat relief.

Process Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract

Applications Of Hibiscus Sabdariffa Extract


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