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Acerola Cherry Powder

Proname:Dried Acerola Cherry SD Powder Vitamin

State: Powder 

Chracter: Pink 

Certification: ISO22000 

Specification: Spray Drying Powder 

Assay Method: TLC 

Botanical Source: M. Emarginata 

Botanical Part Used: Fruit 

Model: C072101

Acerola SD Powder is a powerful supplement made from the conifer cherry, a shrubby plant native to Mexico and South America. For centuries, indigenous cultures have prized this fruit for its many health benefits, and now you can experience the power of this amazing superfood for yourself!

The Benefits of Acerola SD Powder

Acerola SD Powder is packed with nutrients, including iron and vitamin C, which can help support your body's overall health and well-being. Its unique extraction method retains most of the nutrients in conifer cherry, which has sweating and detoxification effects, and also enhances the body's ability to fight viruses. Plus, Acerola SD Powder is effective in blood tonic, measles prevention, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, infection prevention, and muscle pain relief, making it a versatile and powerful supplement for overall health.

How it Works

Modern research has shown that Acerola SD Powder contains a variety of chemical components that can help support your immune system and improve your body's antioxidant capacity. It is an all-natural way to help regulate blood sugar levels, improve lipid metabolism, reduce blood viscosity, and lower blood pressure. Plus, Acerola SD Powder is rich in iron, which can promote the regeneration of hemoglobin in the body, making it a great choice for anyone with iron deficiency anemia.

Process Of Acerola SD Powder

Applications Of Acerola SD Powder


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