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Guava Fruit Powder

Proname:Natural Healthcare Improve Appetite Guava SD Fruit Powder

State: Powder 

Chracter: TLC

Certification: Off-white to Light Yellow Brown 

Specification: N/A 

Assay Method: None 

Botanical Source: Spray Drying Powder 

Botanical Part Used: Psidium guajava 

Model: N/A

Guava SD Powder
Product Code N/A Specification Spray Drying Powder
Botanical Source Psidium guajava Part Used Fruit
Extract Solvent None Assay Method TLC
Character Off-white to Light Yellow Brown Certification ISO22000
HS Code 1302199099 Shelf Life 2 Years

Description Of Guava SD Powder

Guava, also known as flowering nian, guava, pluck, etc., has a spherical appearance, rough skin, mostly lime green, white or yellow flesh, more seeds, and sweet and sour taste. Guava is light-loving, cold and moisture resistant, but afraid of freezing, so it is mostly planted in tropical or subtropical areas.

Guava is rich in nutrients, including protein, lipids, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, etc. Eating guava can be nutritious and strengthen the body. The fat content of guava is relatively low, and it can laxative and promote metabolism, so it is very suitable for weight loss.

Guava powder is made from unpolluted fresh guava pulp, dried at low temperature to maintain the nutritional content and aroma of fresh guava. Guava is rich in minerals and vitamins, and has a high nutritional value.

Function Of Guava SD Powder

1, guava is the top of all kinds of fruits, its rich vitamin C can improve immunity, especially can prevent influenza, upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases, is conducive to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, can break down cholesterol into sulfide and excretion, thus clean blood vessels, beneficial to the transport of nutrients, beneficial to promote the development of the brain.

2, guava is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine, which can strengthen the skeletal system and lymphatic system function. In addition, it contains alkaline astringency, can stop the fermentation of stomach acid, astringent intestinal mucosa, eat more can stop diarrhea.

3, guava on the human body also has an appetizing, appetizing, laxative and beauty effects, regular consumption can promote the body's metabolism, promote health and development.

Process Of Guava SD Powder

Applications Of Guava SD Powder


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